In you have received a email for the IT Service Centre rearguing a upgrading your device, Please choose from one of the steps below
First of all please check you are upgrading the correct device by following this guide to check your device version.
Options 1 - Self Service:
The fastest way to upgrade with the least disruption is to carry out the upgrade yourself. This option takes approximately 3 hours. You can continue working while the update takes place.
- Follow the guidance on the IT Service Centre Knowledge Base to carry out the update:
- Once your device has upgrade please check the version number:
- When you have checked please contact the IT service Centre with the version number and we can remove you off our list.
Options 2 – Upgrade with IT Service Centre support:
This option will effectively erase and update your device, so you’ll need to backup your folders and files and restore them later.
Please note that we will require your device for a minimum of 1 day to complete the upgrade.
- contact the IT Service Centre with a suitable day in advance for us to complete the upgrade or for you to return to site with your device.
IMPORTANT: Before your upgrade is carried out, backup any data you may have, such as Desktop, Documents folder, etc. to your University OneDrive where you have 1TB of storage. To learn more about OneDrive, please visit the IT Service Centre Knowledge Base guide:
If you have the IT Support Hub app on your desktop you can use the ‘Backup PC’ option: - Backup any internet browser shortcuts/favourites you have. Here’s how:
- Make a note of any additional specialist/non-standard software programs you may need re-installing and let us know when you give us your device for upgrade.
- Once your upgrade is complete and your device is returned to you, you can restore your documents and folders from the backup you made on OneDrive.
If you require any assistance backing up or restoring data or have any questions about your email request, please do not hesitate to contact us:
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