This guide will go through the procedure/process of requesting a new temporary staff account.
This is applicable for the following:
- temporary or contract account ( STF)
- mentor or External Examiner account ( MENT)
(HR, 'OS' and 'extl' accounts are not included in this process.)
Requesting an Account
Any University member of staff can request a temporary staff account from the link on the IT Accounts page on Staff ID.
The direct link is
After a request is made, then an email is sent to the shared email address and distribution list for the selected department.
Only defined approvers can access the requests.
Approving an Account Request
The Approver's departmental shared mailbox/distribution list receives an email and the approver can follow a link which takes them into Enigma to approve the account. e.g
From: []
Sent: 06 July 2016 14:04
To: Caroline Murphy
Subject: New staff account request is awaiting approval
Dear IT Services approval team
A request to create a new Mentor account for Chris Gunter in IT Services has been submitted and is awaiting approval
To access the approval system and review approval requests please click here
Finalising an Account - IT Service Centre
Once the account is approved it is processed automatically.
An email with the account number is automatically sent to the requester and a zendesk ticket is created for the IT Service Centre to complete the account by providing any additional shared mailbox and shared folder access.
The IT Service Centre then sends the account memo to the account requester from a personal mailbox (not from within zendesk).