What is Zoom?
Zoom is an online tool for hosting web chats and video conferencing. Usage of Zoom for university business is not approved. With few exceptions, this platform should not be used, and an approved alternative should be used instead.
Why is Zoom Potentially Unsafe?
Using Zoom in the UK, like in many other countries, raises several security issues. Notably, there have been concerns about 'Zoom-bombing', where unauthorized individuals disrupt meetings, often sharing offensive content. Additionally, questions about data privacy have emerged, especially regarding where data is stored and processed. There were instances where Zoom's encryption methods were scrutinized for not being as robust as initially claimed, potentially exposing sensitive information to interception. Additionally, the platform's collection of user data has sparked worries about compliance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) requirements, posing significant risks for both individual and corporate users.
University Approved Alternatives
As a result of the aforementioned safety concerns, The Zoom client is blocked from installation on University managed devices. The following alternative platforms are secure, supported, and fully endorsed by Digital Solutions and Services:
For collaborating internally with Staff, Students, and hosting a meeting with a third-part organisation:
For hosting online lectures, Viva Voce's, or recording student presentations:
Staying Safe on Zoom
There have also been reports about the validity of Zoom’s security and encryption claims which mean that it is unsuitable for official University interactions. This applies whether you are using a personal paid-for account, or a free account.
We understand however, that you may still choose to use Zoom in your personal interactions, so while we can’t support the zoom client on university managed devices, some guidelines have been shared below to make your online social occasions as safe as possible.
For Zoom privacy and security updates, please refer to the Privacy & Security for Zoom Video Communications Web Pages.
Precautions to Take whilst Using Zoom:
Here you will find updated guidance on how to make you video communications as safe and secure as possible.
Change your screen sharing settings to ‘Host only’.
This will prevent un-authorised access to the video call.
Hosts can disable this option in their settings or the Admin controls of a call. To do this you can either change this in your pre-meeting Settings or in the in-call admin settings for Share Screen -> Advanced Sharing Settings.
Anyone publicly sharing Zoom links where they could be discovered by trolls, like on Twitter, should be sure to change screen-sharing to “Host-Only” before a call starts or as soon as they see the feature being abused.
Disable 'Join Before Host' so people can’t cause trouble before you arrive.
Enable 'Co-Host' so you can assign others to help moderate.
Disable 'File Transfer' so there’s no digital virus sharing.
- Disable 'Allow Removed Participants to Re-join' so expelled attendees can’t slip back in.
Joining Zoom Meetings of a Trusted Third-Party
Digital Solutions and Services acknowledges the requirements within certain functions of the university to use Zoom, for example, when participating with a third-party organisation that does use the platform. A Zoom meeting can be joined via a web browser. This can be accomplished via the following steps:
Step 1: Locate the Email. Find the email invitation containing the Zoom meeting link. It may be in your inbox, or if you're using folders, check the relevant one.
Step 2: Find the Link. Look for a line or button that says something like "Join Zoom Meeting" or a URL that begins with https://zoom.us/j/
Step 3: Click on the meeting link. This will open your default web browser.
Step 4: Your browser will open a Zoom webpage. Look for the option that says "Join from Your Browser" or "Having issues with Zoom Client? Join from Your Browser". This option is usually located below the "Launch Meeting" button. Click on it.
[Last updated July 2024]