Turnitin is the online submission system used at the University for most of your assignments.
Please see the following link on finding your assignment, submitting your work, file size and requirements and viewing feedback.
The settings on your submission points will be different from the above guidance, as these as decided by the tutors when they set up your submission points.
IT Service Centre are unable to upload any work on your behalf or make changes to the submission points.
Q: I cant see my submission point?
These are set up by the module tutor(s), please contact them to ensure:
- Submissions points have been set up
- Are not set to hidden from students or have a future release date
- Where they are in the module (if not in the assessments folder)
- Module code you can see is the same as what the tutor can see
Q: What can I do if the Due date is incorrect?
The due date set on the submission point will override anything printed in a module handbook, assignment brief or web page. Contact your tutor(s) to discuss this and have the incorrect settings amended.
Q: How can I delete/remove an incorrect submission?
Students are unable to delete files from Turnitin.
Please contact your tutor to request the incorrect file be deleted on your behalf.
Q: Why has my file settings changed after submission?
The formatting, layout, page number may change when viewing your submission through the online Turnitin Viewer window.
This is due to this being a web page which does not hold the various formatting options available in all the applications you can use to submit your work.
Your tutor will see the same when they are marking the work if using the online viewer window.
Additionally, they can download your work in the same software used to create your assignment. This will show the correct format and lay-out.
Q: Why can't I resubmit my work?
Your work can only be resubmitted if the due date and time has not passed, and the submission point is set to allow resubmissions.
Once the due date has been reached, only first time submissions can be made if late submissions have been allowed. These will be marked as late and may be given a capped score.
If the due date has not passed and you cannot resubmit, please try using a private web page or another browser to rule this out as the issue:. See following link: How do I open a private web page
Q: Why can't I see my Originality score?
An originality score will show on your work, if this has been allowed in the settings by your tutor.
If the originality score shows a lock icon or wording: ‘This has been disabled by the tutor’. The settings have been chosen to not allow students to view their score. Please speak to them in the first instance, there may be a genuine reason why this has been chosen in the settings.
Originality score will show immediately on your first 3 submissions to the same submission point. Any further re-submissions twill take 24 hours for an originality score to be displayed Note: This does not reset on a daily basis
IT or your tutors are unable to to make a score appear on your submission.
An originality score may not show if there is something in your work that system is unable to compare against. Or if you have submitted your work using an unsubmitted file type.
Q: Can I get a previous copy of an assignment I have resubmitted over?
No. Once a resubmission has been made to a submission point, the previous file will be overwritten and cannot be recovered.
Q: Why can't I view/access my feedback?
Your feedback will be available to you once the Grades Release date is reached and your work has been marked/graded by your tutor
To view your feedback or grade – please go back to the Assessment area of your module followed by the link used to submit your work
Feedback WILL NOT show in the Provisional Marks and Feedback area on the Blackboard home page or sub folder in the module unless it has been set by your tutors to be visible in these areas.
Feedback will not be available for any submissions which have been submitted by your tutor on your behalf. They will need to sent this to you by emails or other methods.