If you experience any problems connecting your device, try downloading the Configuration Assistance Tool (CAT) It will detect what device and operating system you are running and put some additional settings on your phone.
Note: If you are having issues connecting on a Windows 10 device, before trying the CAT installer, please try the steps below:
1. Right click the wireless icon in the bottom right of your screen
2. Select Open Network and internet settings
3. Select the WiFi tab
4. Select Manage known networks
5. Select 'eduroam' from the list and click Forget, then try re-connecting
See below for more information on the CAT files, should you need to use them. This can be installed before you arrive at university, so that you are ready to use wireless from day one.
The following website provides installers which can be downloaded to install the Eduroam wireless profile onto the device listed below: https://cat.eduroam.org/
These installers are for the following systems (both University-owned and personal):
1) MS Windows 8.1, 8, 7 and Vista.
2) Apple Mac OS X Mavericks, Mountain Lion, Lion
3) Apple iOS Mobile Devices (includes iPad and iPhone)
4) Linux Devices
For these listed systems, please:
1) Open a web browser and go to https://cat.eduroam.org/.
2) Click the large ‘download your eduroam installer’ button (at the bottom of the page).
3) Select University of Derby from the list of institutions (on the left-hand side).
4) Select an installer to download.
5) Execute the installer.
On mobile devices, the CAT Installer can be downloaded from the App store.